Greetings to all!

Dear students,

In order to better communicate with all of you, I have created this blog where I shall post relevant materials and information for the purpose of your 'Managing Project' assignment.

Please check this website regularly for any new postings on the above.

Good luck in your assignment!

Tang Kok Mun

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Assignment : Case 2

I will be posting regularly some guidelines for Case 2 of your assignment. However, students are encouraged to give some thought over the case and put in more of your ideas and other relevant topics into your assignment.

Case 2

1.) Executive Summary

Executive summary is a short description (about 1/4 to 1/3 page) of the whole content of your report. Write your Executive Summary last, only after you have completed your report!

2.) Problem Statement

You must state what is(are) the problem(s) that lead to the need for this project in the first place. Usually, you can find this in the first three paragraphs of the question in Case 2.

3.) Project Objective(s)

This refer to the questions; 'What is the purpose of this project?' 'What are the business results that the company hopes to achieve from this project?' Answers to this can also be found in the question in Case 2.

Project objective(s) are usually stated in more general manner. For example, in the construction of KL Twin Towers; one of the objectives specified by the project owner may be; 'To show to the world the progress and achievement of Malaysia over the last 50 years'.

4.) Project Scope

In project management, the purpose of project scope is to lay down the boundaries of the project i.e. what needs to be done and what is not; and communicated to everyone and agree d upon.

Taking further the example of the Twin Towers, the project scope may include or exclude the following items, depending on the client's requirements:

a.) Acquisition of land

b.) Design of the Twin Tower

c.) Actual construction of the Twin Tower

d.) Supply and installation of equipment and machineries

e.) Landscaping of KLCC Park

Often, projects run into trouble if the scope is not clearly specified and communicated to all the parties involved. This is because unclear project scope will lead to extra cost and overrun in the budget.

5.) Project Deliverables

Project deliverables refer to what specific things that needs to be achieved in order to satisfy the requirements and meet the objectives of the project. Project deliverables are usually very specific and preferably measurable (i.e. have targets stated in figures) so that it can be easily determined in the planning and monitoring stage whether these deliverables have been achieved or not.

Taking from the example above (construction of KL Twin Towers); in order to meet the objective of 'To show to the world the progress and achievement of Malaysia over the last 50 years', the project deliverables can be as one or both of the following:

a.) The building must be the tallest in the world, with more than 500m in height.

b.) The building must be have minimum floor space of 350,000 square meters for commercial space rental.

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